As rules go, we have relatively few - but what they lack in number, they make up for in importance.
1.1 The Prime Directive - Have Fun
If nothing else, this fan club is about having fun and sharing a love of Star Trek. We seek through that love to make social connections with others, and hopefully to leave the world a little better than we found it – but we strive to do that all while having a blast.
1.2 Regulation II – We are Free-to-Play
Membership aboard IKV Adjudicator is free. We play together because we want to. Charitable donations are strictly voluntary and require detailed reports from those charged with disbursing funds.
1.3 Regulation III – Conduct Yourself with Honor and Respect
Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Treat others in the manner you would like to be treated. Being bullied or mistreated because of ones skin color, gender, creed or sexuality isn't fun – see The Prime Directive above.
1.3 Regulation IV – Prime Continuity
Humanism and the optimistic view of the future are the hallmarks of Star Trek. As such IKV Adjudicator exists solely in the "Prime Continuity" of the Star Trek Legacy series and films (ENT, TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and the TOS and TNG films). The reboot films and Discovery are not part of what we do here.
Section 2 - Participation and Recognition
As a social organization, we wish to encourage members to actively contribute to the shared universe experience we are creating. Participation can come in any number of forms, from gaming, to costuming, to writing and creating artwork; we also encourage our members to take part in the various charitable/volunteer challenges we run - our way of moving humanity one step closer to the utopian ideal Gene Roddenberry envisioned. To encourage participation we reward active members with two types of recognition: promotion and awards.
2.1 Promotion
We have grades (ranks) and positions but these signify a member's contribution, not the authority to tell others what to do. Uniforms are encouraged but are by no means required - while some of us enjoy the aspects of costuming, others do not.
The basic grades are as follows:
Fleet Captain* | 10 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in 605 or more events or challenges. |
Captain* | 9 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in 450 events or challenges. |
Commander* | 8 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in 320 events or challenges. |
Lieutenant Commander | 7 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in 210 events or challenges. |
Lieutenant | 6 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in 125 events or challenges. |
Lieutenant (J.G.) | 5 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in eighty (80) events or challenges. |
Sergeant Major | 4 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in forty-five (45) events or challenges. |
Sergeant | 3 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in twenty (20) or more events or challenges. |
Corporal | 2 | A member in good standing who has distinguished themselves with participation in five (5) events or challenges. |
Lance Corporal | 1 | The default base rank for new members. |
*Indicates a grade in which KAG and RSP criteria are not reconcilable at the command level.
2.1 Awards
In addition to promotion, members will be recognized for contributions through a system of battle notches, and kill stripes. Battle notches are awarded for (Eco-cap, R-Station, and Pull-tab collections have 800 unit goals), each member participating will be awarded a battle notch when the goal is met. Kill stripes are awarded based on participation using the following metric:
1 AWARD / 30 POINTS (except 210 and 450)
By decree of the commanding officer, all Kill Stripes are awarded in black; they are not color-coded per KAG/FASA standards.